As Much as I Need
As much as I need The question was short and straight forward. The eyes were imploring and sincere. The depth of the need for satisfaction required a real answer. No trite and simple platitudes will suffice. The questioner was 4 and I was looking into the depth of heaven. If I was shallow with this query I would forever be regarded as “less” somehow. Of character that was both flawed and dismissive of the power inherent in the question and disrespectful of the one that asked. Trivializing the soul of the questioner and the merit of the question at the same time. Only by respecting that magnitude of enquiry with an authentic answer can you build a solid foundation for the future. Children have an innate awareness of the “realness” of the one that is talking to them. Disrespecting that has a cost. It is a simple step for children to cross into the realm of fantasy. Fantasy is clear for kids and the boundaries can be defined and explained. The