Truth Tsunami
They say that the “truth will set you free”. Those aren’t the words that you would use
right now though. The words may have
been “true”, but they were anything but liberating. Words.
From one that I trusted to use the right words, to convey a bit of
information. To tell a story.
Think about it like a tight rope walker, with a balancing
pole in their hands. It is a bit of
weight that is added to one end, this bit of truth. The pole bends in that direction. In the need to level the pole you look around
for a bit of something to hang on the other end. Words come like a river: Hope, Trust,
Support, Hate, Anger, Resentment. You
can put any of these there and you will become level again. How about “resolve”. We all know of the one that is a stoic that
simply “stiffens” to withstand the news. These are choices that we can
make. The ones that have a lasting
effect. At least for a time.
Words. Told by a friend or at least someone respected enough
to be trusted. Words that carry
baggage. Steamer trunks of
possessions. Mention cancer and then you
can start to unpack that one… if you are daring. Stroke, betrayal, rejection, miscarriage,
murder… these boxes stack up quickly.
All are simple words, but it is amazing how much they hide within. Like a spring-loaded tube of confetti, that
you twist just so… and everyone knows.
Unexpected, unstoppable, powerful, altering, stultifying.
You are now in another dimension and time is different for
you. Yours is the world changed. Like a heart arrhythmia that is beating
uncontrollably and yet you are out of power.
No control. No understanding of
how it happened or how to set things right.
Yours is the place and time of another world. Creatures speak differently here. Time is counted in a way you don’t
understand. Movements are not the
same. You need a moment. Sometimes you get to have it. Sometimes you don’t. It is like a pianist playing one song with
their right hand and a different song with their left… something isn’t right.
One that brings truth may not be the one that sits with you
to recover from it. You will need that
one, that is both capable and is welcome, to sit with you. Capable, because they are strong enough to
weather the storm of emotions unleashed, and welcome because they care enough
to help you heal. They know you will
recover but are not certain about the change it will bring. They care anyway. They have words too, but first the
listening. They will let the tsunami of
your words flood the land. Surging, it
will push all that was stable and understood before it, this wave of words is a
purging. It is an unstoppable force of
nature that only the closest of companions will withstand. It is best that it takes place, to cleanse
and remove the detritus of broken dreams.
To wash and eliminate the “what if” and “if only” portions of the lies
that had built up and taken hold. Like
squatters in a foreign land, they reside in places not of their own. And now they have been found and cleansed
from the scene.
Liberated? Well, perhaps. Change what it is connected to and
it becomes the truth. Liberated from the
lies, the pretense and the phony presentations. Now you can have free movement
among those that know. Like the freedom
expressed in the book The Scarlet Letter, Hester can walk unencumbered by the
stigma of her actions. She embraced the
truth and it became freedom. Not what
she had expected, or ever desired, but free none the less. She changed the definition of the word and
also the result. This is the work of the
day that you are told the truth. And for
many days yet to come. This is what is
heavy and what is hard. Pain is the
result of the surprise. Strain is the
work that is found in the healing. Like
any flood, a few days later is the stench and the reality of the thing. Large and overwhelming. Laborious and smelly. Like the battle field of the Civil War the
rot and decay are left for others to remove.
The warriors did their work and now comes time for the cleansing. This is real.
This is now.
Then what? Another
sunrise and another breezy day. The sun
will go down later, and the heat of the noon day is real. The reality of your reality is like the
dawning of a day, and others may not even be aware of the crushing reality you
face. The stories of the recently
retired that suddenly passes away and the “golden years” are now left for the
one that remains. There was a lady I
knew with breast cancer. She was 38 and
had been through the treatments and remission.
It came again as a tumor on her brain.
I asked how her parents were dealing with it. She said her dad was ignoring it and playing
golf. Her mom was numb and could only
talk about the flowers in her garden. My
friend told of her only brother passing in a car crash in the year between her
surgeries. Think about the passing of
both of your children before you retire.
Tsunami is an apt term.
Tomorrow comes for each of us. It is not the same for each of us. For some it is the day of the funeral and the
grieving. For some the wedding or a new
job. The sun shines all the same. The hope of this is found in the knowledge
that with time the day will come for the wounded and the lame. Not the same as before, but here. Now. Today.
The actions and the attitudes are yours to choose. Hope or anger. Resolution or resentment. The friend that will listen or the one that
will confront have the same choices as well.
We have all been aware of the one that chose to devolve into a state of
despair and hate, and we can as well.
Hope deferred sours the heart, says the psalmist. The words of a friend are like gilding on the
lilies, sweet and affirming. Time is
said to heal all wounds, but that is not accurate. It allows you the chance to learn to walk
with the braces until you don’t have to think about the braces anymore.
The curious part of a piece like this is that it hits
everyone at a different place and time.
My hope is that you allow those in places not the same as your own the
bit of freedom to be in the place that they are. That you will have a friend in training such
that when your truth tsunami comes that they will be ready to be the one to
lend aid. That they will have done the
work of preparation before the dark night of travail arrives. That you are ready to help when it is their
day of darkness. This is the work of the
time you have. See that you make
friends. See that you are a friend. Sometimes the winds blow hard. It is good to have friends.
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